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First RoSBNet Core Meeting

11am-2pm, 19th March 2009, Meeting Room 4,
Information Engineering Building,
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford


  1. Introduction.
    1. Network aims and objectives.
    2. Network Structure – members from mathematics/physical sciences, medical sciences and humanities.
    3. Network mechanisms and proposed activities.
  2. The current status.
    1. The (website) and the (Wikipedia page).
    2. The mailing list and the termly newsletter – member contributions.
  3. Events.
    1. Our first workshop, draft schedule and speakers, activities, registration etc.
    2. Coordinating activities with other networks – PI meetings, BBSRC meetings, EPSRC meetings etc.
    3. Dissemination paths and advertising.
  4. Suggestions/other activites.
    1. How can the network promote the coordination of joint proposals and other events.
    2. Sattelite workshops in international conferences.
    3. Edited volume/articles with network outcomes.
    4. Subgroup meetings.
  5. Next network core meeting.