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General Principles of Synthetic Biology
Reconstruction of genetic circuits
Engineering life: building a fab for biology
Engineering life through Synthetic Biology
Systems biology as a foundation for genome-scale synthetic biology
Parts Standardization/Construction
Refinement and standardization of synthetic biological parts and devices
Engineering BioBrick vectors from BioBrick parts
Mathematical/Computational Methods
Sensitivity and robustness in chemical reaction networks
New Designs/Design Principles
A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators
The incoherent feed-forward loop can generate non-monotonic input functions for genes
In-vivo/vitro Chassis
Protein synthesis by pure translation systems
Principles of cell-free genetic circuit assembly
A synthetic Escherichia coli predator–prey ecosystem
A synthetic multicellular system for programmed pattern formation
Software Packages/Tools
Measurement Methods
Single-cell analysis of gene expression by fluorescence microscopy
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI)
Build life to understand it Biologists and engineers should work together: synthetic biology reveals how organisms develop and function, argue Michael Elowitz and Wendell A. Lim.
Diffusion of synthetic biology: a challenge to biosafety. Systems and Synthic Biology